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Mar 08, 2011

Sugar-sweetened drinks cause higher blood pressure

New research just published in Hypertension: Journal of the American Heart Association concludes that soda and other drinks sweetened with sugar are associated with higher blood pressure. And the more sugar as well as sodium (also found in abundance in most sodas) people consumed, the higher blood pressure spiked upwards.
March 03, 2011

FRAC Food Hardship Reports Finds Nearly One in Five Americans Report Inability to Afford Enough Food

Nearly one in five Americans struggled to afford enough food for themselves and their families in 2010, according to a new report released today by the Food Research and Action Center (FRAC). The report also reveals the extent of this struggle through 2010 in every congressional district and 100 of the country’s largest metropolitan areas (MSA), providing a unique up-to-date examination of how millions of American households in every part of the country continue to face a struggle with hunger.


Feb 16, 2011

Finding Balance

More than one third of U.S. adults are obese. Weight gain occurs when you consume more calories than your body uses. Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight will help you prevent and control many diseases and conditions. The key is FINDING A BALANCE in your lifestyle that includes healthy eating and regular physical activity.


Feb 15, 2011

USDA and Hunger Advocates to Launch Public-Private Partnership to Strengthen the National Hunger Safety Net

he new VISTA volunteers will work in both rural and urban areas in 18 states as part of a public-private partnership to increase access to the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) for Americans in need.


Feb 14, 2011

Companion Crops to Protect your veggies

There’s a whole lot more to organic gardening than just avoiding synthetic pesticides.


Feb 12, 2011

Mexico freeze kills 80-100 pct of crops; US food prices to soar

The extreme freezing temperatures hit a very broad section of major growing regions in Mexico, from Hermosillo in the north all the way south to Los Mochis and even south of Culiacan. The early reports are still coming in but most are showing losses of crops in the range of 80 to 100%.


Feb 09, 2011

Top ten more nutritious vegetables and how to grow them in your garden

A perfectly ripe, juicy tomato, still warm from the sun. Sweet carrots, pulled from the garden minutes (or even seconds!) before they’re eaten. Growing your own vegetables is one of those activities that balances practicality and indulgence.


Feb 07, 2011

Empowering College Students to Create Sustainable Food Alternatives

Campus Food Co-op Project Launches Nationwide, Empowering College Students to Create Sustainable Food Alternatives, With Support from Michael Pollan and Bill McKibben


Feb 05, 2011

The Blueberry Deception

The blueberries found in blueberry bagels, cereals, breads and muffins are REAL blueberries right? Wrong! Award-winning investigative journalist Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, exposes the deceptive chemical ingredients and dishonest marketing of "blueberry" products from big-name food and cereal companies.